Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Four Kings Casino and Slots predictions

The Four Kings Casino and Slots predictions are of my thoughts and mind. These may or may not be in the final game. Lets get started.

The Four Kings Casino and Slots is a free-to-play game for PS4 and PC. It is an updated version of the PS Home Casino. You can spend Reward Points (RP) in the game for clothing and pets. You also get rewarded for levelling up in a game. Now here is my predictions:

1. Purchasing stuff from your hotel room. Room Service, TV, other rooms in the casino, etc. with the coins you earn or with real money.
2. Gifting/selling clothing, rooms, pets, etc. to friends, whether they are on PC or PS4.
3. Watching movies from rooms that are disc-based in the room.
4, Chatting with friends via microphone. This will also be cross-platform.

Those are just a few therioes I have. What are yours?