Wednesday, March 26, 2014

PlayStation VR (aka Project Morpheus)

Project Morpheus is a new virtual reality for the PlayStation4. I know what you are thinking: Morpheus? Isn't he from The Matrix? True, but unfortunately, no. From the creators of the PlayStation family (Sony), the Morpheus they are refering to is the god of dreams. And this is what the vr head set is supposed to do- create dreams that are games. It looks like the Occulus Rift for the PS4. I might get one if it comes out. I will certainly review it.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Friday, March 14, 2014

Life with FSGS!

Focal secmental glomeruloscerosis is a little known kidney disease that can effect anyone at anytime. It is a more common disease today than what one might think. What it basicly is, is the hardening of the kidneys. You can do this through long use of arthritis medications like Arthrotec and a diet high in salt and potassium. I was diagnosed with FSGS in October of 2012. I am a Stage 4, a step below before going in for dialysis. Right now, I am fine. But I know that one wrong thing could send me to dialysis. So eat well and don't gain the weight!