The Four Kings Casino and Slots predictions are of my thoughts and mind. These may or may not be in the final game. Lets get started.
The Four Kings Casino and Slots is a free-to-play game for PS4 and PC. It is an updated version of the PS Home Casino. You can spend Reward Points (RP) in the game for clothing and pets. You also get rewarded for levelling up in a game. Now here is my predictions:
1. Purchasing stuff from your hotel room. Room Service, TV, other rooms in the casino, etc. with the coins you earn or with real money.
2. Gifting/selling clothing, rooms, pets, etc. to friends, whether they are on PC or PS4.
3. Watching movies from rooms that are disc-based in the room.
4, Chatting with friends via microphone. This will also be cross-platform.
Those are just a few therioes I have. What are yours?
With games like the Unchartaed: Nathan Drake Collection coming out later this year, I am going to see if I can get at least one of these games right. Lets start with each console! Starting with the PS4, I see N++, The Vanishin of Ethan Carter, God of War III or The Last of Us Remastered, Galak-Z: The Dimensional or Bedlam. For the PS3 I see Uncharted 1-3 (possibly), Beyond: Two Souls, Golden Eye, The Last of Us, Bioshock series, Ibb and Obb. For the PSVita, I see Gravity Rush, Angry Birds, Star Wars, Bentley's Hackpack and Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate. For the Cross-buy, I see Flower, Flow, 1001 Spikes, Another World, Broken Age, Don't Starve: Giant Edition, Knytt Underground and Shovel Knight. As for my prediction goes I could be right on one ore more, or I could be entirely wrong and they will give us different game all together. That is my thoughts and mindset. Good day to you!
I am going to say stuff that will anger a minority of those who own a PlayStation 3 who think they are the ones who are in the right all the time. They are ignorant and stupid. And they like to bully others into their way of thinking. I see in the near future PlayStation Home 2.0 coming to the PS4! So let's begin. 1. Home is where the heart is. I, for one, am at home in Home. I am sad that it is leaving, but it was fun while it lasted. I have bought alot of stuff over the last few years and have enjoyed my stay. If there was a nominal fee of $2 to $3 a month, it might not be going. If whoever does PlayStation Home 2.0 on the PlayStation 4, I would be one of the first to sign-up for it. 2. I would like to have in Home 2.0 coins to earn and spend on things whithin shops in a mall-like store. Along with spending coins, you can gift apartments, items like clothing & furniture, coins, clubhouses and more. 3. In Home 2.0, I would like to watch movies, tv shows and more from within an apartment with a tv. It can be from a DVD/Blu-ray, from the PS Store or a usb flash drive. This would be a vast improvement from the original Home. 4. Chat with friends who are on Home 2.0 no matter where they are. So, for those who wish to not to participate in Home 2.0, don't go on. Let those who want it, have it. And to those of you who bully others, I hope that the new Home has a monortering system that will delete your ass right off the face of PSN! Thank you and goodbye!
These are my theoretical predictions for Project Morpheous. This is where I can be worng or right about these things. So here it goes:
1. The price of Project Morpheous will be $149.99 more or less at launch. I only say this because it is a periphial that you move with your body or sit and talk to another person. I am no wise man, but I can get things right every so often. And get things wrong more often than I would like to admit.
2. There will be pre-loaded purchesable demos and games on Project Morpheous day one. The demos will be for games like Eve Valkyrie, Jurassic Encounter, Project CARS and Q.U.B.E.2. The games will be like War Thunder, Final Fantasy VIII, Warframe and Blacklight Retrobution. These can and will change over time.
3. There will be some sort of fun exercise game that will help kids from becoming too sick and fat. This can be implamented in a way that it will be easy enough to understand and will keep getting harder as the child is getting physicially fit and be more active than sitting on their arse all day. Plus there might also be a learning aspect to the exercise.
4. A video chat that you and your friends can chat with an avatar-like version of yourselves. You can also call to and recieve calls from a person on the phone (ie. cel or land) via purchased minutes using your online wallet.
5. Watching 3-D movies through it. This will take home theater to a whole new level. I would like to see The Hobbit like it was meant to be: in 3-D!
Now that I have said what I needed, I leave it to you to come up with your own theories on Project Morpheus and what you think will come to this home VR periphial for the PS4 in the comment section below! Please like & subscribe and tell your friends about this blog. Thank you and write you later!